Written by Stewart Parker
Directed by David Stock 1978
Musical Director, Jim Cameron
A Community Theatre - Crossroads Production
at the Wildhorse Theatre, Fort Steele

The Cast
David Cavanaugh …..... Francis Stock
Jerry McNeil …................. Julian Stock
Genevra Abney …........... Daisy Bell
Gary Dalton ….................. The Trick Cyclist
Marlene Hubbard ......… Kitty Carberry
Barry Borgstrom …........ Frank Stock
The Crew
Carol Berkhiem ..............…. Producer
Bill Blair & Shelia Templer .… Advertising
Louise Crowe-Swords &
Donna Seminuk ................. Publicity
Rick Constantineau .......… Stage Manager
David Stock & Linda Pelttari … Set Design
Gary Dalton, Linda Pelttari, Brian Conrad,
Greg Berkhiem, Lorna Roos, Vicki Dalton &
Karl McKusick …….............…. Set Construction
Linda Pelttari ….................... Lights
Linda Constantineau ....... Properties
Miggs Sawchuk …................ Make up consultant
Jim Cameron …...................... Poster Design
Carol Berkhiem …................. Program
Mike Turner & Donna Seminuk ... Photographs
Ruth Rutledge ...................…. Front of House
Sheila Templer & Stuart Gordon ... Front of House Team
Set in and around a bicycle shop in Belfast, this wise and humorous play concerns Frank, the current operator of the shop started by his grandfather. Frank believes that all the world's problems can be solved if people simply switch to bicycles for transportation