I'm Getting My Act Together and Taking It On The Road
Book and Lyrics by Gretchen Cryer
Music by Nancy Ford
Directed by David Stock 1986

The Cast
Jacqollyne Keath ..... Heather
Bruce Paul …................ Joe
Jim Cameron …........... Jake
Sue Leonard …............ Lisa
Elizabeth Ross …........ Renate
Patty Stock …............... Trish
Robin Walton …........... Karen
Kim Lutz …...................... Vimmey
Bob Hoffman …............ Lee
Cathy Stock ...............…. Karla
Terry Miller …................. Bernie
‘Rooster’ Jerry Roos ….. Greg
Stan Williamson ......…. Bobby
Sharon McKenzie …...... Josie
The Crew
Carol Hartley …........ Producer
Penny Lewis .........… Vocal Director
Maggie Muir ….......... Stage Manager
Cathy Stock ...........…. Assistant Stage Manager
Cari-Lee Stevens &
Cheryl Van Zandwijk ........ Dance Instructors
Miggs Sawchuk ….... Prompter
David Stock .…........... Set Design
Rolly Grimm .............. Set Construction Lead
Walter Grimm, Dan Flagel, Terry Miller &
Ian McLeod ................. Set Construction Crew
Rolly Grimm, Terry Miller, Kelly Nath,
Maggie Miller, Brad Price, Glen Dufresne &
David Stock .................. Set Painters
Sharon McKenzie & Terry Miller .... Lights
Brad Price, Bob Townsend &
‘Rooster’ Jerry Roos .... Sound
Roger Oliver, Cathy Stock &
Jeanette Cameron .... Properties
Lynda McCammon, Miggs Sawchuk &
Nada Ralston ….......... Make-up
Carol Hartley, David Stock, Jim McKay, Russell Reid & Mt. Baker S.S. Graphics Dept. … Program
Greg Miller .............…. Cover, Poster & Ticket Design
Pat Casey …................. Wine & Cheese
Lorrie McDonell, Linda Birch .... Opening Night Organizers for the Women's Resource Centre
Joanne Bellanger , Greg Miller, Brad Price, Bob Kary, Phil Foster, Maggie Foster, Linda (Hull) Howard, Melodie Hull, Bev Findlay, Don Findlay, Nada Rolston, Ray Rolson, Bud Abbott, Linda Abbott &
Rod Pearce …............. Front of House Team
This production was part of THEATRE DAYS throughout November 1986. Theatre Days was proclaimed by Mayor Rick Jensen as Nov. 18-29th "... to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that different groups have put forth during many productions" and
"…hoping that more people will become aware of Cranbrook’s local theatre…"
Cranbrook Community Theatre ran this musical play at the Studio/Stage Door and as it closed, Crimes of the Heart opened at Mount Baker Secondary School.