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Shirley Valentine

Written by Willy Russell
Directed by David Stock  1991

1991 Shirley Valentine poster.JPG

The Cast

Marge Spring ....... Shirley Bradshaw

The Crew

Harriet Pollock …...... Producer

Tracy Morhun.........…. Publicity

Jeanie Miller ...........…. Stage Manager & Prompter

Sarah Hudson,  & Veronica Brown ... Backstage Crew

Jeanie Miller, Harriet Pollock & 

Marge Spring ............... Properties

David Stock & Rolly Grimm ... Set Design

David Stock, Rolly Grimm, Dan Flagel, Cranbrook Cabinets,

Karen Giles, Bob Karey &

Cam Kennedy …........... Set Construction

Bruce Shorter, Cora Lee Wilhelm, Wanda Schlossberger, Ben Blomander, Isla Patterson,

Terry Miller & Veronica Brown ….  Set helper

Carmen Van Veller, Phu Vu, Jay Pratt, Ryan Plant, Jason Marsh, Julie Gardiner, David Stock &

Laure Gardiner …......... Brick builders/layers

David Stock, Karen Giles, Bob Kary, Grant Giles, Harriet Pollock, Terry Miller, Jeanie Miller, Cailin MacLeod, Nuno Monteiro, Miggs Sawchuk, Linda Pitney & 

Marge Spring ...........…. Rock makers

Bob Kary ......................... Lighting Operator

Ben Blomander …........ Sound Operator

David Stock, Mike Barker &

Harriet Pollock .........…. Programs

David Stock …................. Poster Design

Karen Crawford …......... Photography   

Sandy Cox ...................…. Hair

Miggs Sawchuk ............ Makeup

Jessie Arbuckle …........... Wine & Cheese

Cheryl Taylor & Jim Whitehead .... Front of the House Managers


Dramatic Comedy: 
An hilariously engaging play, the heroine is an ordinary middle class English housewife. As she prepares chips and egg for dinner, she ruminates on her life and tells the wall about her husband, her children, her past, and an invitation from a girlfriend to join her on holiday in Greece to search for romance and adventure. Ultimately, Shirley does escape to Greece, has an "adventure" with a local fisherman and decides to stay.

Or does she?

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