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The Women of Troy

written by David Grote

The Man in the Bowler Hat

written by A.A. Milne

2 one-act plays directed by Nikole Spring 2004

The Cast
The Women of Troy

Terry Miller ............................ Poseidon

Astarte ..................................... Hercuba

Nikole Spring ...................…. Cassandra

Susan O’Dell …...................... Andromache

Justin Ball ..........................…. Talthybius

Dean Nicholson ...............…. Menelaus

Kristy Mulholland ............…..Helen

Penny Ohanjanian …........... Woman 1      

Sheena Currie …..................... Woman 2

Carly Taylor …........................... Woman 3

Cheyenne MacPherson …... Woman 4

Shannon Connor ...............…. Woman 5

Sheryl Clarke …......................... Woman 6

Riki Boekestyn .....................… Woman 7

Danielle Nicholson …............. Woman 8

Bob Hutchinson …................... Guard 

Chelsea O’Dell & William Nicholson ...... Astyanax            

The Cast
The Man in the Bowler Hat

Bud Abbott .........................…. John

Lorna Kent ...........................…. Mary

Justin Ball ….............................. Bowler Hat

Barry Coulter .......................…. Hero

Susan O’Dell ….......................... Heroine

Bob Hutchinson ….................. Chief William

Justin McMillan ...................…. Bad Man

The Crew

Lorraine Butler .................................… Producer/Publicity

Maureen Rae …...................................... Assistant to Producer

Lorraine Harvey ................................… Stage Manager

Marge Kemp .......................................… Prompter

Trish Barnes …....................................... Set Design

Bob Kary …............................................... Lighting Design

Don Montgomery …............................ Light Technician

Jim Cameron …...................................... Sound Design

Leah Hagel ….......................................... Sound Technician

Kirsten Taylor ....................................… Poster Design

Trish Barnes, Louise Nadeau ....… Set Painting

Iain MacLeod ....................................…. Photography

Sheila Schell &

Raewyn Sinhuber …............................ Costume Design

Sheila Schell, Grace Bohn &

Dot Crowe ...........................................… Costume Construction

Monique Ogren &

Trish Barnes ...…..................................... Props

Byron Olson &

Leonie Gardner …................................. Original Structural Design

Chelsea O’Dell, Linda Pitney …..... Stage Hands    

Michelle O’Brien ...............................… Front of House Manager

Julie Harvey, Marge Kemp, Carly Taylor, Sheila Schell &

Sheena Currie ….................................... Hair & Makeup

Glenda & Heather Montgomery, Maureen Rae,

Susan Merz, Pam Pepin, Dale Nadeau &

Deb McEachern …................................. Front of House Team

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