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The Glass Menagerie

Written by Tennessee Williams
Directed by David Stock  2005

2005 Glass Menagerie poster.JPG

The Cast

Marge Kemp .......…. Amanda Wingfield (the mother)

Jeff Cooper ..........…. Tom Winfield  (the son)

Jennifer Henkes …. Laura Wingfield (the daughter)

Bryan Pachal …........ Jim O’Connor (the Gentleman Caller)

The Crew

Harriet Pollock ......… Producer

Lorraine Harvey…..... Stage Manager

Sandy Kaye, Marie Milner &

Joanne Wilkinson ... Stage Crew

Sandy Kaye, Joanne Wilkinson, David Stock, Brian Lutz, Chris Tulloch ….......... Set Dressing Helpers

Liz Goyette ….............. Prompter

Lyn Konowalyk …...... Properties

David Stock …….......… Set, Sound & Poster Design

Stan Williamson....... Set Construction

Terry Miller, Brian Lutz, Bruce Williams, Gerry Kemp, 

Joel Vinge, David Stock & Bud Abbott …. Set Construction Crew

Sharon Routley, David Stock, Kirsten Taylor, Bruce Williams, Stan Williamson, Mark Paron, Kris Aasen & 

Bud Abbott ...…............ Set Painting

Jeff Cooper ….....…....… Photography

Jim Cameron …............ Lighting Design & Technician     

Don Montgomery ….. Lighting Operator

Leah Hagel, Annica Pictin …............. Sound Operators

Susan O’Dell, Nikole Spring ............. Makeup    

Sandy Kaye, Joanne Wilkinson ....… Costumes

Athena Underhill .......... Front of House Manager

Shannon Conner, Glenda Montgomery, Heather Montgomery, Laura Cardwell &

Mark Paron …................... Front of House Ambassadors


Tragedy; a memory play:
Set in 1937, this is a story about Tom Wingfield who recollects his mother and sister.  However, because the play is based on memory, he cautions the audience that what they see may not be precisely what happened.


Each member of this family suffers in their own individual way. Tom is an aspiring poet who toils in a shoe warehouse to support his mother, Amanda (a faded southern belle), and sister, Laura (confounded by her cripplingly shyness). Mr. Wingfield, Tom and Laura’s father, ran off years ago and, except for one postcard, has not been heard from since. Eventually, a suitor arrives for Laura.

Tom wants to leave and explore the world.

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