Theatre á Go Go
Two Nights of One Act Plays 2011
INTRO: Mrs. Sorken Speaks
Written by Christopher Durang
Cast: Tanya Laing Gahr
Group A
Normal vs. Weird
Written by Lindsay Price
Directed by Terry Miller
Cast: Jaxon Jensen, Jessica Hewison
Breeches from Bond Street
Written by Elsie Park Gowan
Directed by Toni Wilhite
Cast: Bud Abbott, Bill Nightingale, Ashlée Perrault Brent Gill, Elizabeth Ross, Joel Vinge
How He Lied to Her Husband
Written by George Bernard Shaw
Directed by Barbara Koseic
Cast: Michelle McCue, Bob McCue, Jerrod Bondy
The Actor's Nightmare
Written by Christopher Durang
Directed by Tanya Laing Gahr
Cast: Peter Schalk, Amanda Ball, Kimberley Davidson, Andrea Grossman, Dean Nicholson
Group B
Written by Stephen Gregg
Directed by Lorne Wright
Cast: Dean Nicholson, Susan Hanson,
Killeen Delorme, Mathew O'Dell, BradPerrin
Therac 25
Written by Adam Pettle
Directed by Kris Aasen
Cast: Devan Jones, Stephanie Best, Marge Kemp, Kris Aasen
The Golf War Widows
Written by Damian Trasler
Directed by Sioban Staplin
Cast: Jeanette Desnoyers, Rachel Christie, MJ Arons
The Crew
Sally Masters & Terry Miller ..... Producers
Terry Miller ........................................ Director Mentor
Lorraine Harvey .............................. Stage Manager
Jean-Ann Debreceni, Marge Kemp &
Chelsea Hanson ............................. Stage crew
Rusty Gahr & Kris Aasen ........... Lighting Design
'Directors' .......................................... Set Design
Kirsten Taylor .................................. Poster Design
Brad Smiley ...................................... Poster Photographer
Rod Wilson ........................................ Photographer
Sally Masters .................................... Program
Cast, crew & Jean-Ann Debreceni .... Costume Designs
Cast, crew & Nikole Spring ............. Makeup and Hair
Harriet Pollock & Sally Masters .... Concessions & Front of House Managers