Almost, Maine
written by John Cariani
Directed by Bob McCue (Act 1)
Directed by Michelle McCue (Act 2)
The Cast
Colby Burleigh …............. Pete
Eve Sperling…......................Ginette
Michael Grossman …....... East
Andrea Grossman .......…. Glory
Ferdy Belland …................. Steve
Erin Dalton …...................... Marvalyn
Landon Elliott…................. Randy
Angus Liedtke .............….. Chad
Amy Penney .................….. Hope
Jerrod Bondy ................…. The Man
Jennifer Inglis ...............… Marci
Trevor Lundy …................. Phil
Cedar Gross ….................... Dave
Savanna Fisk .................…. Rhonda
Candice Fisk ...................…. Gayle
Sanjay Fisk ......................…. Lendell
Jason Zimmer ...............….. Jimmy
Viola Heyde …..................... the waitress
Stephanie Moore-Milne …..... Sandine
The Crew
Brenda Burley …....................... Producer
Chris Tulloch …............................ Properties
Brenda Burley …......................... Stage Manager
Marnée Bellavance …............... Aurora
Sandy Kay ….................................. Costume Design
Michelle McCue …....................... Sound Design
Michelle & Bob McCue
& Kimberly Frixel …..................... Set Design
Thom McCaughey ....................... Set Construction Lead
Steve McCaughey ….................... Set Construction Crew
Emily Bohmer
& Pepijn Heij …............................... Sound & Lighting Operators
Marnée Bellavance, Trevor Lundy
& Sanjay Fisk .............................…. Lighting Design
Stephanie Moore-Milne …....... Photography
Michelle & Bob McCue, Brenda Burley, Kiimberly Frixel
& Viola Heyde ….............................. Painting Team
Jordan Nering, Gordon Sheridan
& Walter Babinski …...................... Live Streaming Operators
Brenda Burley ................................. Poster Design
Poster Image courtesy of Dramatists Play Service
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