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The Aliens       
Written by Annie Baker
Directed by Duncan Chalmers           

William Nicholson ................... Evan
Woody Maguire ..................... Jasper
Matt Van Boeyen .......................... KJ

Marnée Bellavance ........................................................ Producer
Lorraine Harvey ............................................................. Stage Hand
Megan Madison ............................................................. Prompter
Shannon LaBelle ............................................................ Costumer
Nathaniel Leigh .............................................................. Sound Design

Catherine Conroy .......................................................... Set Design
Sandy Ashby ................................................................... Stage Manager/Properties
Thom McCaughey .......................................................... Set Construction Lead
Catherine Conroy, Duncan Chalmers,
       Matt Van Boeyen & Aspen Parker  ......................... Set Construction Crew
Camille Coupal & Aspen Parker .................................... Set Decorator Crew

Tanner Eady of Harbinger Design Co ........................... Poster/Media Design
Kimberly Frixel of The Tattooed Unicorn...................... Original Art Work
Ashlée Dawn Photography ............................................ Photographer
Pepijn Heij ........................................................................ Lighting Design & Tech Operator
Just Music ........................................................................ Technical Sponsor

The Aliens - 102.9 Rewind Radio
The Aliens - 2DayFM


The play takes place in a small town in Vermont. Two thirtyish men, Jasper and KJ, meet to discuss music and poetry on a patio behind a coffee shop. They discuss their band, which was called (among many things) The Aliens. KJ has dropped out of college and Jasper has not finished high school, but is writing a novel. When Evan, a high school student who works at the coffee shop arrives, the men "decide to teach him everything they know”.

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