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2013, 2019, and NOW!

Three times, we at the Cranbrook Community Theatre Society (CCT), have gone into renovation mode after successfully fundraising to renovate the historic building known as the Studio/Stage Door.

In late 2019 we started writing grants and doing our homework. In late 2020 we received word that we had been successful in our application to the Government of British Columbia, Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP), and in July of 2021 we started to work on the project.

Three and a half months later we are sooooo close. With our first production in a year, we pushed toward the finish line. Sound checks were done while electrical finishes were being installed, theatre lights were hung while paint was applied to the floors, actors were on stage while cameras were being installed and projectors were focused, and then….Let the audience in, we are ready!!

So…what was done? Well, new drywall on all walls and ceiling, safe upgraded electrical, insulation, new paint, trim, and carpet, new stair lights, upgrades in the tunnel, new technical booth upgrades and sound system (courtesy of funding from Columbia Basin Trust Non Profit Tech Grant), upgraded infrastructure on the seats and ceilings AND, all these came after a total demolition and removal of everything in the theatre space. WOW ….and so much more.

We are so grateful to all the contractors who were involved in the project, also to all the volunteers who spent countless hours supervising, installing, cleaning and worrying.

Once again, we remember that the CCT is: “community theatre… for the community by the community”.

Peter Schalk

CCT President


We are thankful for the funding organizations that invested in two very important projects this year:

1. The Province of British Columbia through Heritage BC & the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) funded The Theatre Proper Project - interior theatre restoration of the Stage Door.

2. Columbia Basin Trust contributed significantly to The Tech Advantage Project - a technical equipment upgrade in the theatre of the Stage Door.

Services and products were purchased from many local businesses/suppliers:

Amigos Printing, Andrés Electronic Experts, Berry Architecture, Bighorn Electrical Ltd., BriKat Contracting Ltd., Cloverdale Paint, Cranbrook Flooring, Home Depot, Home Hardware, JJ's Laundry, Just Music, Kootenay Clean Air, Kootenay Communications Ltd., PB Pro Audio, Staples, Stewart & Sons Drywall, The Source.

CCT is also grateful to our loyal volunteers, members, and supporters. We couldn’t do it without you!

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